Of the 20 Ministers sworn in Gujarat on Tuesday, 18 are crorepatis, including Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, while three of them has criminal cases registered against them. According to a study by the Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) and Gujarat Election Watch, the self-sworn affidavits of 20 Ministers in Gujarat Assembly showed that their average assets were worth Rs 13.34 crore.The wealthiest Minister is Saurabh Yashvantbhai Dalal Patel from Botad constituency, with asset worth Rs 123.78 crore, followed by Parsotambhai Odhavjibhai Solanki (Rs 45 crore) and Radadiya Jayeshbhai Vittalbhai (Rs 28.5 crore), the ADR said. In terms of wealth, Chief Minister Rupani is at the fourth position, with asset worth Rs nine crore and Deputy Chief Minister Nitinbhai Ratilal Patel is next to him, with asset worth Rs eight crore. The Ministers with the lowest declared assets were Khabad Bachubhai Magnbhai with asset worth Rs 35 lakh and Patkar Ramanlal Nanubhai with asset worth Rs 75 lakh, the study added. As many as three Ministers have criminal cases registered against them. Mr Solanki from Bhavnagar rural constituency is charged with six cases, including cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property, forgery of valuable security, will fraudulent cancellation, destruction of will, the ADR study said.UNI KNA RJ 1946
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