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30th July, 2018

Press Release

Analysis of MPs/MLAs with Declared Criminal Charges Related to Kidnapping



Dear Friends,

ADR and NEW have analysed the affidavits of 4856 sitting MPs/MLAs, including 770 MPs and 4086 MLAs. Out of these 4856 MPs/MLAs, 1024(21%) have declared serious criminal charges against themselves. Among these 1024 MPs/MLAs, 64 (6%) have declared charges related to kidnapping against themselves. For the complete list of these MPs/MLAs, please go to link:

For this report ADR has considered the following IPC Sections:

IPC Section 359


IPC Section 360

Kidnapping from India

IPC Section 361

Kidnapping from lawful guardianship

IPC Section 362


IPC Section 363


IPC Section 363A

Kidnapping or maiming a minor for purposes of begging

IPC Section 364

Kidnapping or abducting in order to murder

IPC Section 364A

Kidnapping for ransom

IPC Section 365

Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine person

IPC Section 366

Kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her marriage, etc.

IPC Section 367

Kidnapping or abducting in order to subject person to grievous hurt, slavery, etc.

IPC Section 368

Wrongfully concealing or keeping in confinement, kidnapped or abducted person

IPC Section 369

Kidnapping or abducting child under ten years with intent to steal from its person




Out of 64 MPs/MLAs with declared charges related to kidnapping, 16 are from BJP and 6 each from INC and RJD.


Figure 1: Party Wise MPs/MLAs with declared Charges related to Kidnapping




Out of MLAs with declared charges related to kidnapping, the highest number of MLAs i.e. 9 each are from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

 Figure 2: State Wise MLAs with declared Charges related to Kidnapping






There are 5 Lok Sabha and 3 Rajya Sabha MPs who have declared charges related to Kidnapping against themselves.


 Figure 3: State Wise MPs with declared Charges related to Kidnapping




Contact Details



National Election Watch/Association for Democratic Reforms


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+91 80103 94248

Email: [email protected]

Maj.Gen. Anil Verma (Retd)


National Election Watch,

Association for Democratic Reforms

011 4165 4200,

+91 88264 79910

[email protected],

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Prof Jagdeep Chhokar

IIM Ahmedabad (Retd.)

Founder Member,

National Election Watch, Association for Democratic


+91 99996 20944

[email protected]


Prof Trilochan Sastry

IIM Bangalore

Founder Member,

National Election Watch,

Association for Democratic Reforms

+91 94483 53285

[email protected]