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The ruling BJP has shown the highest income amongst the political parties at ₹2,410.08 cr during financial year 2018-19, which forms 65.16% of the total income of six national parties put together

The ruling BJP has shown the highest income amongst the political parties at ₹2,410.08 crore during the financial year 2018-19, which forms 65.16 per cent of the total income of six national parties put together.

According to analysis of income and expenditure of national political parties for FY 2018-19 by Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), BJP declared a total income of ₹2,410.08 crores but spent only 41.71 per cent (₹1,005.33 crores) of the total income.

While the Congress total income was ₹918.03 crore of which the party spent 51.19 per cent (₹469.92 crore).

Six national parties (BJP, Congress, CPM, BSP, Trinamool and CPI) have declared a total income of ₹3,698.66 cr, collected from all over India.

Congress declared the second-highest income of ₹918.03 crore which forms 24.82 per cent of the total income of the six national parties.

As per the ADR analysis, between FY 2017-18 and 2018-19, the income of BJP increased by 134.59 per cent (₹1,382.74 crores) from ₹1,027.34 crores during FY 2017-18 to ₹2,410.08 crores during FY 2018-19.

Voluntary contributions of ₹2,354.02 crores declared by the BJP form 97.67 per cent of its total income during FY 2018-19.

Declaration of ₹551.55 crores under grant/ donations/ contributions by Congress forms the topmost income of the party, contributing 60.08 per cent of its total income during FY 2018-19.

The maximum expenditure for BJP has been towards election/general propaganda which amounted to ₹792.39 crores followed by expenses towards administrative costs at ₹178.35 crores.

Electoral Bonds have emerged as the most popular mode of donations to National Political parties for FY 2018-19.

More than 52 per cent of the total income of six National Parties came from Donations through Electoral Bonds (₹1,931.43 crores), wherein the identity of the donors are not disclosed to the public.

Electoral Bonds worth ₹2,539.58 crores were redeemed by parties in FY 2018-19. Of this, 76 per cent was received by six National Parties.

The total amount of Electoral Bonds declared by National and Regional parties for FY 2018-19 so far is ₹2,422.02 crore