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The Pioneer
New Delhi

The ruling BJP declared a total income of `3,623.28 crore during the financial year 2019-20 but spent only 45.57 per cent (`1,651.022 crore) of it. In contrast, the total income of Congress was five times less than BJP at `682.21 crore but the main Opposition party overshot its expenses spending `998.158 crore.

In its report, the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) said that between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the BJP’s income increased by 50.34% (`1,213.20 crore) from `2,410.08 crore to ` 3,623.28 crore. On the other hand, the Congress’s income decreased by 25.69 per cent ( `235.82 crore) from `918.03 crore during 2018-19 to`682.21 crore during 2019-20.

However, it was NCP which registered highest increase in income. “Between 2018-19 and 2019-20, the highest percentage increase in income was declared by the NCP of 68.77% (`34.873 crore) from `50.71 crore in 2018-19 to `85.583 crore during FY 2019-20,” it said.

The ADR said that as per the data shared by SBI in response to ADR’s RTI application, electoral bonds worth `3,429.5586 crore were redeemed by parties in 2019-20. Of this, 87.29 per cent was received by four national parties – BJP, INC, AITC & NCP,” it said.

“Seven national parties (BJP, Congress, CPM, NCP, BSP, AITC and CPI) have declared a total income of `4,758.206 crore, collected from all over India,” the ADR report said.

The national parties that received the maximum income from donations or contributions include the BJP (` 3,427.775 crore), the Congress (`469.386 crore), AITC (`108.548 crore), CPM (` 93.017 crore) and CPI (`3.024 crore).

“Four national parties namely BJP, INC, AITC and NCP collected 62.92 per cent (`2,993.826 cr) of their total income from donations through electoral bonds in 2019-20. BJP received donations through electoral bonds worth `2,555.0001 crore, Congress received `317.861 crore, AITC received `s 100.4646 crore and NCP received `20.50 crore,” the report said.