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New Delhi

Our elected representatives are also not far behind from self-styled god men when it comes to crime against woman folk as the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and the National Election Watch have revealed in its latest study that out of 1581 MPs and MLAs, 51 have been facing cases related to crimes against women. 
It also reveals that the ruling party BJP has the highest number of MPs/ MLAs i.e. 14 followed by its ally Shiv Sena with seven MPs and MLAs involved in such cases. The BJP also has the dubious distinction of giving the highest number of the ticket to such ‘tainted’ candidates.

The ADR and NEW, which have been working to cleanse the political system in India, have analyzed 4852 out 4896 election affidavits of current MPs and MLAs. It includes 774 out of 776 affidavits of MPs and 4078 out of 4120 MLAs from all the states of India.
The study shows that all major political parties give tickets to candidates with cases of crimes against women especially rape and therefore hindering the safety and dignity of women as citizens. 
In the last five years, recognized parties have given tickets to 29 candidates who had declared cases related to rape and these are serious cases where charges have been framed and cognizance have been taken by the courts.
It says that political parties have been in a way abetting the circumstances that lead to such events that they so easily but vehemently condemn in parliament’.
Major findings of the study are (1), among these 51 MPs/MLAs with declared cases related to crimes against women, 48 are MLAs and 3 are MPs; (2), 334 candidates analyzed who had declared cases related to crimes against women, were given tickets by recognized political parties; (3), 122 independent candidates analyzed with declared cases related to crimes against women had contested for Lok/Rajya and state assemblies’ elections in last 5 years.
Among these candidates, 40 candidates were given tickets by parties for Lok Sabha / Rajya Sabha elections. Various recognized parties have given tickets to 294 candidates with cases related to crimes against women for state assemblies’ elections.
In the last 5 years, 19 independent candidates with declared cases related to crimes against women contested in the Lok Sabha/ Rajya elections. Similarly, 103 independent candidates with declared cases related to crimes against women contested in the state assemblies’ elections.
Among the states, Maharashtra has the highest number of MPs/ MLAs i.e. 12, followed by West Bengal with 11 and Odisha with 6 MPs/MLAs who have declared cases related crimes against women.
Among the states in the last 5 years, Maharashtra has the highest number of candidates i.e. 65, followed by Bihar with 62 and West Bengal with 52 candidates who were given tickets by political parties even though they have declared cases related to crimes against women in their affidavits.
Among various recognized parties, BJP has the highest number of MPs/ MLAs i.e. 14, followed by SHS (Shiv Sena) with 7 and AITC (All India Trinamool Congress) with 6 MPs/MLAs who have declared cases related crimes against women.
Among the major parties in the last five years, 48 candidates with declared cases related to crimes against women were given tickets by BJP.

The second highest number of candidates, i.e. 36 who had declared cases related to crimes against women were given tickets by BSP, followed by 27 candidates from INC who had declared cases related to crimes against women who had contested for Lok/Rajya Sabha and State Assemblies Elections in last 5 years.
The ADR recommended that candidates with a criminal background should be debarred from contesting elections and political parties should disclose the criteria on which candidates are given tickets.
It also strongly recommended that the cases against MPs and MLAs should be fast tracked and decided upon in a time bound manner.