In the recent Maharashtra assembly elections, the wealthiest candidates, including Parag Shah, Prashant Thakur, and Mangal Prabhat Lodha, all from the BJP, won their respective constituencies. The average assets of candidates increased significantly from 2019, and a majority of candidates declared substantial wealth, despite Supreme Court guidelines on criminal backgrounds having minimal impact.
The Maharashtra assembly elections saw affluent candidates like Parag Shah, Prashant Thakur, and Mangal Prabhat Lodha emerge victorious, according to a poll rights body. Shah's assets are valued at Rs 3383 crore, making him the richest among the trio, with Thakur and Lodha not far behind.
Shah, Thakur, and Lodha contested and won in Ghatkopar East, Panvel, and Malabar Hill constituencies, respectively. The Association for Democratic Reforms revealed that the average assets of candidates in the 2024 elections surged to Rs 9.11 crore, more than doubling since 2019.
The report highlighted that 38 percent of candidates analyzed were crorepatis, indicating wealth remains prevalent among those seeking political office. Furthermore, the prevalence of candidates with declared criminal cases underscores the ongoing challenge of electoral reforms, despite existing Supreme Court directives.