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Electoral links are used by individuals, foundations, and organizations to make donations to political parties. The polling rights group ‘Association for Democratic Reform’ (ADR) revealed that in the 2019-20 fiscal year, political parties redeemed bonds worth Rs 3,429.56 crore and of this amount, only four national parties, BJP, Congress and TMC have The NCP is 87.29 each. cent. These bonds are a major source of income for the parties and it can be estimated that 62.92 percent of the total income of these four parties came from donations through electoral bonds. On the other hand, according to the ADR report, of the income earned by the BJP in the fiscal year 2020, the BJP spent only 45.57 per cent while Congress spent 46.31 per cent more of the income.

SBI (State Bank of India) has provided this information to the ADR regarding the RTI Petition relating to the Electoral Bonds. However, there is also something special which all political and regional parties have revealed that they received Rs 3,441,324 crore in electoral bonds in the 2019-20 financial year, while according to the SBI, that figure is Rs 3,429.56 crore. According to the dispute resolution, this difference in the amount may be due to the disclosure of funds by the parties in their audit reports.

BJP should get more donations, great source of income

According to the ADR report, seven national parties (BJP, Congress, ANC, ANC, BSP, AITC and CPI) have declared income of Rs 4,758.21 crore. The BJP got maximum income from donations or contributions. As per the ADR report, BJP earned Rs 3,427.78 crore from donations/contributions, Rs 469.39 crore to Congress, Rs 108.55 crore to Trinamool Conference, Rs 93.02 crore to CPM and Rs 3.02 crore to CPI in fiscal year 2020.

BJP, Congress, TMC and NCP got 62.92 per cent of their income (Rs 2,993.83 crore) from donations through electoral bonds. As per the report, BJP got Rs 2,555 crore, Congress got Rs 317.86 crore, TMC got Rs 100.46 crore and NCP got Rs 20.50 crore. Parties spent more of their income on elections, public and administrative advertising.

This is the situation with regard to the income and expenses of the parties.

  • As per the ADR report, BJP declared income of Rs 3,623.28 crore in fiscal year 2020 but spent only 45.57 per cent of it i.e. Rs 1,651.02 crore. There was a 50.34 per cent increase in BJP income in FY 2019-20 over FY 2018-19.
  • The Congress generated income of Rs.682.21 crore in fiscal year 2020 but its expenditures were Rs.998.16 crore. That is, Congress spent 46.31 percent more of the income. Congress’ income in fiscal year 2020 was 25.69 percent lower than the previous fiscal year.
  • TMC has reported income of Rs 143.68 crore during the period. Of this, TMC spent 74.67 per cent or Rs 107.28 crore.