AGRA: Actor-turned-politician and BJP MP Hema Malini, who is re-contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Mathura, has declared assets worth over Rs 250 crore, registering 40% increase in the past five years. Her wealth in 2014 were reported to be worth Rs 178 crore.
Another actor-turned-politician and Congress party’s state president Raj Babbar, who is contesting from Fatehpur Sikri, has declared assets worth Rs 18.26 crore, Rs 1 crore less his wealth of Rs 19.7 crore in 2014. While Babbar doesn’t own any vehicle, his spouse, Nadira Raj Babbar, has a car worth Rs 6.8 lakh.
According to the affidavit submitted by Hema Malini, she has Rs 5.61 lakh cash, while her husband Dharmendra has Rs 32,502. Her bank balance stands at Rs 1.46 crore and her husband’s account has Rs 2 crore. The 70-year-old actress owns vehicles worth Rs 1.01 crore and jewellery worth Rs 2.91 crore. In 2014, she had declared jewellery worth Rs 54.5 lakh.
Hema Malini’s immovable property almost doubled in 2019. Her immovable assets in 2014 were worth Rs 57.99 crore, which increased to Rs 101.11 crore in 2019. Dharmendra’s immovable assets, on the other hand, have not increased much, as they stand at 123.85 crore compared to Rs 106.55 crore in 2014.
In 2014, the net worth of Hema Malini’s movable and immovable property was 178.19 crore (approx.) and the liability was Rs 21 crore, which reduced to Rs 6.75 crore in 2019.
According to Hema’s affidavit, she has no criminal cases registered against her, while Babbar faces charges of rioting, attempt to murder, use of criminal force to deter a public servant from discharge of his duty, cheating, forgery, criminal breach of trust, criminal conspiracy and many others.
In the last Lok Sabha elections, BJP’s two candidates, including Hema Malini, were in the list of top 10 richest candidates, as per the report of Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR), which analysed affidavits of 1,259 candidates out of 1,268.