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Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati has alleged that the lavish poll expenditure by the BJP in elections is vitiating the electoral process and also impacting the free and fair elections in the country.  The former UP chief minister Mayawati said that the Election commission has also expressed concern over the lavish electoral style of the BJP. 

Chief election commissioner OP Rawat had recently said ``there is creeping new normal of political morality  and it appears we have been scripting a new narrative that places maximum premium on winning elections at all costs  to the exclusion of ethical considerations’’.

Mayawati said the figures released by the NGO `Association of democratic reforms’ (ADR)   have also vindicated the fact the BJP has become the party of the people having deep pockets like the business houses and the industrialists. BSP president said the assertion of the chief election commissioner is a big question mark over the electoral triumph of the BJP in last three years. 

``The ADR figures for the contributions received by different political parties reveal that for three years from 2012-13 to 2015-16, BJP got the lion share of 92 percent of the total donations given by the industrialists to different political parties. The BJP share is Rs 708 crore’’, said the BSP president.   She added `` it could be anybody’s guess as to the actual funds mobalised by the BJP from undisclosed sources which is evident from the lavish expenditure by the BJP in recent elections’’.

Mayawati said  that the figures released by the ADR and the apprehensions expressed by the Chief election commissioner indicate that the BJP which polled only 31 percent votes in 2014 Lok Sabha elections is a party of electoral scandals.

Mayawati alleged that the BJP used the money power during the recent UP state assembly elections and the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. She alleged that the BJP used its deep pockets to create false perception in its favour and misleading the people.

The BSP president  said `` its no longer a secret that the undue influence of the industrial houses in the Central government has increased by leaps and bounds ever since the BJP led NDA came to power at the Center in may 2014’’.

Questioning the BJP claims of being the largest party with over 10-12  crore members Mayawati said ``if the BJP  claim of 10-12 members is taken on face value  then what explains the paltry contribution of Rs 63 crore by the members’’. She added `` the meager contribution by the party members proves that its claim of 10-12 members is fake’’.