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Prajwal Raut

According to the report, NOTA received an average of 64.53,652 votes (64.53 lakh) in the state assembly elections. In total, NOTA received 65,23,975 (1.06 percent) votes, the report said. Of the NOTA votes in the Lok Sabha elections, the highest number of votes, namely 51,660, was in the Gopalganj (SC) constituency of Bihar, while the lowest NOTA votes, namely 100, were in Lakshadweep.

In the state elections in the year 2020, the maximum number of people opted for NOTA. In 2020, 7,06,252 NOTA votes were cast in Bihar. While NCT Delhi got 43,108 votes NOTA votes. NOTA achieved the lowest voting percentage in 2022. That is, in the parliamentary elections of five states, including Goa, the fewest number of people voted for NOTA. 10,629 votes are cast in Goa, 10,349 votes in Manipur, 1,10,308 votes in Punjab, 6,37,304 votes in Uttar Pradesh and 46,840 votes in Uttarakhand.

NOTA obtained the highest number of votes (7.42,134) in Maharashtra in the 2019 state assembly elections, and the lowest NOTA votes (2,917) in the 2018 Mizoram assembly elections. NOTA obtained the highest vote share of 1 .98 percent in the Chhattisgarh State Legislative Assembly, 2018. While it secured the lowest percentage of the vote, being 0.46 percent in both the 2020 Delhi State Assembly elections and the 2018 Mizoram State Assembly elections.

As for the constituency, NOTA received 27,500 votes in the Latur Rural constituency of Maharashtra and nine in the Tali constituency of Arunachal Pradesh. In some constituencies of Arunachal Pradesh such as Dirang, Along East, Yachuli and North Angami, a constituency in Nagaland, the candidate had no rival candidate, hence NOTA got no votes.

The ADR said there are three or more criminal candidates opposing elections in red alert constituencies, with NOTA gaining 26,77,616 votes (26.77 lakh) in the state assembly elections since 2018. NOTA has achieved the highest vote rate at 1.63 percent (6,11,122) in Bihar’s 217 red-warning constituencies.