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Bhubaneswar:”Blue button express” launched to create awareness among the voters as part of “My Vote My Country: My Vote not for sale” campaign of Odisha Election Watch. For this purpose, a grand ceremony was organized by Odisha Election Watch in collaboration with Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and People’s Cultural Centre (PECUC) at Jayadev Bhawan.
While addressing the launching programme Mr. Ranjan Kumar Mohanty, State Coordinator, Odisha Election Watch told that the main purpose of the campaign is to create Voter’s Awareness on their rights & duties, responsibilities; need of active participation in strengthening democracy; increase Voter’s turn out, promote ethical voting and create conducive environment for free and fair Elections .

Dr. Sahadeva Sahoo presided over the meeting and gave a message to vote for the right candidate. Major General Anil Verma of ADR and National Coordinator of National Election Watch emphasized on the participation of youth in this awareness campaign and all the voter should be well informed and judge the candidate before giving their valuable vote. Choose right and choose a truthful candidate as the fate of the nation depends upon it, he stressed. Among others, Baikuntha Nath Panigrahi, Former Director of Doordarshan & core team member OEW Dr. Seba Mohapatra, former Diirector ,Health and Family welfare & Core Team Member OEW, Anuradha Biswal , Olympian, Ajay Choudhury, Film Producer and Surjit Sen also spoke. Speakers emphasized that voters should not be otherwise manipulated by the candidate to caste the vote. They should use their democratic right for creating a better future for the country without any bias, may be it is caste, creed, religion or muscle and money power.
On this occasion campaign materials like Posters and audio video CDs were also released. All the participants who will move in the mobile van to create public awareness were greeted by all. The mobile vans were formally launched with the waving of green flags. Two mobile vans will run for 18 days and it will cover all the 30 districts of Odisha for creating awareness among the voters. The teams are lead by Govinda Patra, Social Activist and Kabya Sampad , State Programme Associate, OEW. The theme song of the campaign is directed by eminent music director Premanand and singer Human Sagar and Dipti Rekha Padhy have given their voice. Miss Nikita Mishra, the film actress also has given message in the Video campaign materials
In this launching programme many youths from NSS, Scouts and Guides and of different institutions, women groups and Media representatives were present. The programme was facilitated by Jyoti Shankar Mohanty, Programme Manager PECUC and Kabya Sampad, State Programme Associate OEW.