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New Delhi

NEW DELHI: It seems that donors had aided the BJP so generously during the last year’s Lok Sabha elections.  The total donations to the party for the year 2013-14 touched Rs 170 crore, an increase of over 105 per cent compared to the previous year’s ‘83.19 crore. Moreover, 92 per cent of the BJP’s donations above Rs 20,000 came from corporates or business houses.

Interestingly, the donations, as declared by the BJP, is more than twice the aggregate of donations declared by other political parties including the Congress, NCP, CPI and the CPM. These details were revealed by the election watchdogs - Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) and National Election Watch (NEW) - in their report released on Tuesday.

The ADR analysed the donation details, submitted by the BJP to the Election Commission of India (ECI) on 20 December, 2014.

Political parties are supposed to submit report on donations above Rs 20,000 received by it every year to the Election Commission.

According to the ADR, “BJP’s, 92 per cent of donations above Rs 20,000 were from corporate houses and business sector. A total of 704 donations, totalling Rs 157.84 crore, were made from this area. Only 8 per cent of donations above Rs 20,000 were made by individuals. 772 individual donors contributed Rs 12.99 crore to the BJP during the financial year 2013-14.”

Four donations declared by the party contained only the details of amount and not donors’. The total donations from such donors amounted to ‘2.75 lakh.

For Congress, 35 donations from corporate and business sectors ran to Rs 55.02 crore, while 708 individual donors contributed Rs 4.56 crore. Donations from corporates formed 92.35 per cent of total donations declared.

The NCP received 13 donations from corporate sector totalling Rs 14 crore, while two individual donors gave away Rs 2 lakh.  Donations from corporates formed 99.86 per cent of total donations declared by the NCP, the ADR report said.

While 4 donations to the CPI were made by Unions and a Memorial Trust(Rs 2.75 lakh), the CPM received a total of Rs 5 lakh from 4 corporate/ business houses during 2013-14.

Interestingly, most of the donors belonged to Delhi. “A total of Rs 45.21 crore was received by the BJP from 119 donations by both corporates and individuals in Delhi. It is to be noted that the Congress received maximum donations from Delhi (‘39.05 crore), as was the case with the CPI (‘54.6 lakh) and the CPM (‘1.88 crore), the ADR report added.

Donations to BJP from Gujarat amounted to Rs 23.25 crore followed by 22.24 crore from Maharashtra.