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The Times of India

HYDERABAD: The National Election Watch of the Association for Democratic Rights (ADR) has begun a campaign to not just encourage people to vote but also to make them aware of the 'Nota' provision. 

Just like candidates of political parties who with their campaign vehicles are trying to reach people to seek votes, the National Election Watch stationed its vehicle at the busy Nampally railway station. "We intend to take it to different constituencies," said Basavaraju and T Satyanarayana who are coordinating the effort. 

Basavaraju pointed out that it was because of the association that the Election Commission had been directed to incorporate the Nota provision. Voters can press the 'None of the above' button if they feel none of the candidates deserves their vote. However, it would remain the 'last button' and would not have a symbol as such. 

"We want to make people aware of the Nota provision. But ideally, we really want voters to turn out in large numbers to exercise their franchise. It is observed, especially in urban areas, people do not feel the need to vote. In the rural areas, for various reasons people make it a point to vote," said Basavaraju. 

Several volunteers of the National Election Watch are accompanying the vehicle to give out pamphlets urging people to vote and also not succumb to any pressures. The volunteers are urging voters not to accept money from candidates to cast their votes. 

Voters are being encouraged to call on 1950 to bring to the notice of the Election Commission if candidates are offering money or threatening voters.