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Patna, Oct 26 (IANS) Looks like two Bihar legislators have not aged since the last assembly elections in 2005. One is still aged 41 in official records while another has actually gotten younger!

Anant Singh of the ruling Janata Dal-United (JD-U) stated in the last elections that he was 49, but this year he said he was only 41. Ajit Kumar of the same party said in 2005 and now that he was 41 years old, National Election Watch coordinator Anjesh Kumar told IANS.

Anant Singh is a legislator from Mokama while Ajit Kumar from Kanti seat.

Anjesh Kumar said the Election Commission should take action against them for cheating.

Anant Singh, locally known as Chhote Sarkar, is feared for his money and muscle power. There are dozens of criminal cases including those of murder and kidnapping registered against him.